The Update Of Tentative Hope

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SteveAndrew's avatar
Hi everyone,
Oh it's been a long time... Well, a quick update to let you know that I'm still not dead. Last time I posted I was pretty much at an all-time low, things were not going well at all. I wouldn't say I'm on top of the world now, but certainly well enough to update my watchers (all two of you).

Employment-wise, I have a job! A few months back I had a job offer from a local computer games company. Sadly the offer was withdrawn when some project fell through, which put me back to square one - and when you're dealing with the Job Centre in the UK, it can feel worse, as they seem to treat everything as being your own fault. A couple of weeks ago a local recruitment agency got me an interview at a serious games company. (For those unfamiliar with the term, serious games are mostly non-commercial simulators and training apps. Doesn't sound very interesting, but it involves 3-D modelling, at which I'm at least competent and it's challenging enough. Anyway, they seemed to like me and I start tomorrow! I'm 50% shitting myself in terror and 50% strangely looking forward to it. And it's an income, so I can't complain.

Art-wise, I've finally finished the bulk of my work on the semi-secret project I've been working on for Vworp Vworp magazine, issue #3 of which will be published this year. It was going to be done for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary, but I suppose when the content is being done by various professionals and amateurs who probably have day-jobs, we can only do the work in our spare time. The two guys running the mag, Colin & Gareth have been fantastic and seem really pleased with what I've done. It's a 12-page strip written by the wonderful Daniel O'Mahony, called The Woman Who Killed The Doctor. I've drawn it and will be lettering it soon. Sadly it's looking unlikely that I'll be able to colour it (not if they want it done anytime this year!), but Colin & Gareth have an endless supply of industry contacts, so I hope they'll be able to rope in someone to make my scribbles look cool. It's been stressful at times, but it's my first go at doing the art for someone else's script and I'm honestly quite proud of it. I reckon it's the best artwork I've ever done. Hopefully I can cobble together some teasy screengrabs soon, and maybe post the full strip when it's published. Hey, Gareth has already leaked a small snippet on the Vworp Vworp Facebook page, so it's official now!

Other than that, and a few non-life-threatening health issues, it's been a quiet few months and I can now get back to posting some more personal artwork soon. You know, the usual busty superheroines and mad time-travellers...

Back soon!
© 2014 - 2024 SteveAndrew
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UncleGargy's avatar
We'll done on your New job. At least it's bringing money in. The Job centre mafia are going to need safety glass boxes soon as they have too much power to wreck people's lives. If you miss an appointment through no fault if your own the withdraw all monies. Some people end up at the Food Bank. Victorian Britain is coming back!